Our Offer - Solutions

The Erfinderei is specialized in development of customer-specific control devices (embedded systems). We use our many years of experience in this field to find the best solution for you.

Our customers approach us with a variety of problems and challenges. Sometimes no more than a rough idea for a device or a process exists, in other cases the implementation of requirements is not satisfactory. Perhaps an existing solution does not work optimally or it will fail regularly. Finally, there are also cases where longer projects or running processes run out of developers or maintaining staffs. In these situations, the Erfinderei helps in remedying the immediate problems and developing a long term solution.

Traditional tailor-made developments are becoming increasingly complex and expensive. However, there are already solutions on the market that can be adapted quickly, easily and simply. Open-source, [SoC] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System-ona-Chip "System On a Chip"), modern programming languages (for example, [Python] (http: // Python.org)) and extensive development environments (for example, [Android] (http://developer.android.com/index.html)) allow us to develop tailor-made products promptly. It does not matter whether your project is still at the idea-stage or already in the middle of implementation. It also helps to look at things from a neutral perspective in order to find better solutions.

From this rich buffet we choose the most effective and efficient solution for you. For more information on how Erfinderei can make your project, your idea or your start-up a success, please choose your project from the menu.